Stylized MACROCK logo with the dates April 11th and 12th 2005 below it.


Macrock 2020 canceled due to COVID-19 - Posted on: 03/19/2020

Dear Friends and Supporters of MACROCK- We’re heartbroken to announce that this year’s MACROCK is cancelled. We’ve held out hope for as long as we could (and maybe longer than we should have) that the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic would improve in time for MACROCK to still safely happen in some form. We’ve looked[read more…]

Statement concerning COVID-19 (Coronavirus) - Posted on: 03/11/2020

Dear MACROCKers! We know many of you are concerned about COVID-19 (Coronavirus), and we are too. The safety of our staff, volunteers and all who attend our festival is important to us. We will look to the CDC for guidance, abide by local and federal regulations should they arise, and leverage all resources available to[read more…]

Pre-sale tickets now available! - Posted on: 03/02/2020

Pre-sale Weekend Tickets are now available for purchase for $30. Friday-only, Saturday-only, and Weekend wristbands will be offered the DAY OF MACROCK at the Court Square Theater Box Office starting at Noon and running till 10PM. The prices for this year’s MACROCK are as follows: $30 pre-sale All Access Weekend Wristband $35 day-of All Access[read more…]

Volunteer Training Meeting March 3rd. Genocide Pact added. - Posted on: 02/28/2020

MACROCK XXIII is almost upon us! As we prepare for this years festival, we need your help. Volunteer opportunities range from venue head, venue volunteering, serving up a dish at the band banquet, and more. Join us as we discuss the details of what these positions entail. Volunteering for MACROCK is a great way to[read more…]

Another four headliners announced! - Posted on: 02/20/2020

MACROCK is excited to let you know that Minor Poet, Palberta, SIR E.U, and standards will all be performing this year. Still many more to be unveiled so stay tuned! Additional note: To all bands that applied we are in the process of releasing decision emails and you should get an email within the next[read more…]


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MACROCK XXVIII --- --- art / design & code: Michael Sieben & Harper Holsinger