Stylized MACROCK logo with the dates April 11th and 12th 2005 below it.


Blue Nile Ethiopian Cuisine
181 North Main Street

From I-81:
Off of Interstate 81, take exit 245 and head west on Port Republic Road.
Take a right onto Main Street (Route 11).
Pass campus and proceed straight downtown.
Blue Nile will be on the left across from Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church.

Clementine Cafe
153 South Main Street

From I-81:
Off of Interstate 81, take exit 245 and head west on Port Republic Road.
Take a right onto Main Street (Route 11).
Pass campus and proceed straight downtown.
Clementine will be on the left across from the Massanutten Regional Library.

Court Square Theater
61 Graham Street

From I-81:
Off of Interstate 81, take exit 245 and head west on Port Republic Road.
Take a right onto Main Street (Route 11).
Pass campus and proceed straight downtown.
At Court Square, take a left.
The theater is in the same building as Cally’s Restaurant.
Parking is available in the parking deck between Bruce and Water Street

The Little Grill
621 N. Main Street

From I-81:
Off of Interstate 81, take exit 245 and head west on Port Republic Road.
Take a right onto Main Street (Route 11).
Pass campus and proceed straight downtown.
The Little Grill will be on your left after the Rose’s shopping center.

The Artful Dodger
47 Court Square

From I-81:
Off Interstate 81, take exit 245 and head west off Port Republic Road.
Take right onto Main St. (Route 11).
Pass campus and proceed straight downtown. At Court Square, take a left.
The Artful Dodger will be on the right across from the Court House.

The Elks Lodge
482 S. Main Street

From I-81:
Off of Interstate 81, take exit 245 and head west on Port Republic Road.
Take a right onto Main Street (Route 11).
Pass campus and proceed straight downtown.
The Elks Lodge will be on the corner of Paul and Main St.
Take a right onto Paul St. for parking in the back of the building.
Note: There is a large statue of an Elk in front, can’t miss it.

Wonder Skate Shop
29 West Water St.

From I-81:
Off Interstate 81, take exit 245 and head west off Port Republic Road.
Take right onto Main St. (Route 11).
Pass campus and proceed straight downtown.
At Water st, turn left.
Wonder Skate Shop will be on your left across from Finnegan’s Cove Restaurant.

Shenandoah Bicycle Company
135 S. Main Street

From I-81:
Off Interstate 81, take exit 245 and head west off Port Republic Road.
Take right onto Main St. (Route 11).
Pass campus and proceed straight downtown.
SBC will be on your rightin between Clementine Cafe and Dave’s Taverna.

Laughing Dog
82 S. Main Street

From I-81:
Off Interstate 81, take exit 245 and head west off Port Republic Road.
Take right onto Main St. (Route 11).
Pass campus and proceed straight downtown.
Laughing Dog will be on the right next to Jack Brown’s


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MACROCK XXVIII --- --- art / design & code: Michael Sieben & Harper Holsinger