Tuesday, March 4th, 2025
New website is live, the bands have been announced, and pre-sale tickets are available.

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Friday, April 5th, 2024
Happy Macrock! Today is the day!
Here is a quick…

– Ear Plugs: Protect ur hearing!
– ID: MACROCK is all ages, but if you want to drink, you must show ID at the venue
– Wallet: Buy some merch, a snack, or a drink!
– Charged Phone: Take some pics, but also helpful if you show your ticket confirmation at ticket pickup
– Sick outfit
– Food and Water: Take time to hydrate and eat!
– Open Mind: Don’t be the worst!
– Pockets: We have a no-backpacks policy, but tote bags, fanny packs and small purses are okay!
– Comfy Shoes: All of our venues are within a 5 min walking distance in downtown Hbug, but make sure u wear your docs you’ve already broken in

Also, information for the Label Expo and Panels has been added to the website. Make sure to check those out!
Tuesday, March 26th, 2024
Head over to our Bands page to start planning your fest routes, because the schedule is out! Two days, 11 showcases, and 50 + bands. Get excited!
Pre-sale Tickets can be purchased online here and for more information visit our Tickets page. 

Also, interested in joining our Label Expo for MACROCK? Email Spencer at spencermacrock@gmail.com to reserve a table! Open to any and all creatives, artists, independent labels and more. 

Thursday, February 29th, 2024
That’s right. We have launched our new website for MACROCK 2024! Hope you like it. Shout out to this year’s artist Jesse Riech!
Also, we would like to share some exciting news about an upcoming fundraiser show…
Featuring Cover Bands of:
Modern Baseball, Hole, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Led Zeppelin, System of a Down, Peach Pit, and Alex G.
All proceeds benefit MACROCK.

More information about MACROCK to come so stay tuned!
Friday, April 7th, 2023
Happy Macky day!
We are so excited to bring you this fest, but first we would also love to introduce you to the people behind the fest! Here’s our head coordinators for this year:
- Annie McGowan @crush3dflowers – socials, graphics, booking, anything u see I probably made it
- Elias Wickline @papa__e__ – resident goofball, sponsors and booking, meme extraordinaire
- Forrest Matter @forrestmatter – sound expert and level headed expert of Harrisonburg
Thanks for letting us bring u this years MACROCK, we 💜 all of you!
Second, you can find information about the weekends happenings including the schedule by visiting our Bands, Panels, and Label Expo pages.
Over the course of the weekend, all attendees, volunteers, vendors, and bands must be aware and follow our Accountable Spaces Guidelines.
MACROCK strives to be a accountable space. This means that racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, classism, homophobia, misogyny, etc. will not be tolerated. We are a space where people of any gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, etc. must feel welcome and included. If you feel unsafe or see someone who might, find a MACROCK volunteer in the MACROCK shirt. They will try their very best to help you. All MACROCK volunteers and venue employees reserve the right to eject anyone from the venue.
We are so excited to bring you the 26th year of this festival, but not at the expense of anyone’s wellbeing. Be kind, and have a good time! 💜