Stylized MACROCK logo with the dates April 11th and 12th 2005 below it.

Archive for January, 2019


Rock Lotto!!

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

MACROCK is very excited to be hosting Rock Lotto for a second time his January!

Sign-ups and drawing will be held on Sunday, January 20, 2019 at the Golden Pony at 8PM.

Just to keep it fresh, we’re changing the rules a little this year. You will NOT sign-up or draw by instrument. Instead there will be just one pool of 60 people so whatever combination of 5 gets drawn is what you get.

We’ve also shortened the time by a couple of weeks and the shows will be on March 10 &11, 2019.

We will also be screening Blue Summit Pictures documentary The Rock Lotto before the signups.

To find out more about Previous Rock Lotto’s ask a punk.

Dig up the MACROCKTOBER issue of Harrisonburg Music Zine.

Or check out these articles:

Whurk Magazine write up on 2018 Rock Lotto

2009 Web Article on the Rock Lotto


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New website launched! First batch of bands announced!

Monday, January 7th, 2019

The first batch of bands announced and performing this year include: Guerilla Toss, War on Women, Aggrocrag, Empath, Persons, Hommeboy, and Lovelorn plus many, many, many more to come!

Also, our new website has been launched showcasing some of the new artwork for 2019. Enjoy!

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MACROCK XXVIII --- --- art / design & code: Michael Sieben & Harper Holsinger