Stylized MACROCK logo with the dates April 11th and 12th 2005 below it.

Archive for April, 2014


The Time Has Come: MACROCK XVII is here.

Friday, April 4th, 2014

MACRoCk is TODAAAAYY!! You can get tickets at Court Square Theater starting today at Noon and ending at 10PM and tomorrow starting at Noon and ending at 10PM as well. They are $26 for the weekend and 15$ for day badges. Get there EARLY, sweet bands are playing that you definitely don’t wanna miss!!

Panels! This year will feature two panels: Spice Up Your Shirt (our annual screenprinting panel at Laughing Dog) & Scribe or Die: Chats on Music Journalism (taking place at Larkin Arts). More information check out our panels page!

Label Expo! This year’s label expo participants will include: Funny/Not Funny Records, Merge Records, Quiet Year Records, Derek Niver, Fredericksburg All Ages, RVA Magazine, The Mark-It, JMU Kappa Pi Art Fraternity, Orange Chair Collective, WXJM-FM, & Worst Week Ever Webzine. For more info check out our label expo page.

Also, there has been a minor change to the schedule. Unfortunately, Fainting Spellss will not be able to perform this year at Court Square Theater. Zooanzoo will be replacing them during the same time slot.

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MACROCK XXVIII --- --- art / design & code: Michael Sieben & Harper Holsinger